It was not until recently I felt uninspired. After shooting the Veil Nebula (again), I felt a bit of repetitive. Don’t get me wrong, I love Cygnus, but I was overstaying my welcome there. I had shot the Veil (twice), North American Nebula (twice), Sadr Region, and Cresecent Nebula. There […]
Veil Nebula
The Veil Nebula is an iconic astrophotography target in the constellation Cygnus. I shot this close-up of it with my Astro-Tech AT115EDT at 644mm using an ASI533MM
Eagle Nebula
Over 13 billion years old and 25,000 light years away, M5 is one of the oldest astronomy objects in our universe.
California Nebula
Another amazing nebula of the Winter skies, the California Nebula was the first nebula I shot in mono with my then new ASI533MM and Antlia 3nm narrowband filters.
The Hercules Cluster
The Hercules Cluster was the first astrophotography target I fell in love with. I finally got the right equipment to shoot it properly a year later.
M81 and M82
M81, otherwise known as Bode’s Galaxy (right) and M82 otherwise known as Cigar Galaxy (left), are two galaxies in the Ursa Major constellation (home of the Big Dipper), located approximately 12 million light-years away from Earth. As neighbors, they share a fascinating history, marked by interactions and mutual influence. Over […]
NGC 2903 Galaxy
NGC 2903 is one of the first galaxies to kick off galaxy season in the northeast. I shot this on my AT115EDT refractor and ASI533MM camera.
The Pleiades (2022)
Taken in December 2022 – January 2023, this was my first picture of The Pleiades which is also my (and many other photographers) favorite thing in the sky.
Rosette Nebula
Caldwell 49